Chip 1997 March
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Help after Installation
These instructions are available after the install by typing README
from the DOS prompt. An on-screen help system is also available AFTER
COMit is installed:
To start COMit, type: COMIT [Enter]
To start help by itself, type HELP [Enter]
To start COMit and Help, type: COMITH [Enter]
([Alt-Z] brings up "Help" if you use COMITH.)
If you see "Bad command or file name", change to drive and subdirectory
where COMit was installed, and try again. For example:
C: [Enter] CD \COMIT [Enter] COMIT [Enter]
If your modem did not include a printed manual, you can make one with a
program called MANPRINT.EXE (provided on your COMit disk.) Simply enter
MANPRINT or A:MANPRINT (at the DOS prompt) for further instructions.
The INSTALL program also puts MANPRINT.EXE on the specified destination
disk in COMit's directory if space is available. MANPRINT.EXE may be
deleted when it is no longer needed.
Restoring the Init String
If you use INSTALL Type 1 (Automatic), the modem's initialization string
is automatically set up for you. You may change the initialization string
using COMit's menu option /SI if you wish. After a change, to restore to
the original initialization string created by INSTALL, select menu option
/SI, and choose #1. It will be labeled "Default set by INSTALL program."
Note that some computer manufacturers and dealers pre-install COMit on your
disk. If a different modem has been substituted after their pre-install,
you may need to use menu option /SI and select the correct modem. In these
cases, the "Default set by INSTALL program" will not be applicable unless
you re-run INSTALL.EXE.
New Initialization String Option
COMit normally monitors the carrier detect signal from the modem, and hangs
up the phone upon loss of carrier. To make COMit ignore the carrier detect
signal, and instead, wait for a "NO CARRIER" message from the modem, simply
put "@" before your initialization string in COMit's Setup. For example:
@AT&F. (COMit does not send the "@" to the modem.) This may help in cases
where COMit is hanging up the phone soon after a connection is established.
You can also put the "@" before the Dial prefix or a phone number.
Menu Access Key
The COMit Menu Access Key is set to use [/] (FORWARD SLASH). This brings
up a menu when using COMit or while online. If you want to type a slash,
instead of using the menu, you can simply press [/][/]. (Press it
quickly, two times in a row.) If, however, you wish to change the
default Menu Access Key to something else, do the following:
Go to the "SETUP" menu after starting COMit. Select "F-Keys and Menu
Access Key." (Option "F" on the setup menu.)
|T|Terminal Options and Paths |
|H|Host Options and Paths |
|F|F-Keys and Menu Access Key | <----- Select this option
At the bottom of the screen, you'll see...
|F9 [
|F10 [
|[/] <--- Menu access key override. (Normally "/")
Press enter until [/] is highlighted, then press the new key to be used.
Your override, if any, CANNOT be an [Alt] or [Ctrl] key combination or an
F-key. We suggest one of these: \ @ ; ~ ` ' ] [ { } _ *
The key you select will bring up the menu when you are online. Press it
twice (quickly) to use it as a regular typing key.
Comm Ports & Internal Modems
Most new computers are equipped with two serial ports. When using an
internal modem on a system that has two serial ports already installed,
you must disable one of the serial ports. Even if you have nothing
attached to a port, it can cause a conflict with an internal modem.
If you are not sure how to disable one of the ports contact your computer
dealer. It may only require moving one or two jumpers on the card.
Using Software V.42/V.42bis
V.42 and V.42bis are implemented through COMit's software on some modems,
rather than through the modem's hardware. To use the software V.42 and
V.42bis, simply set the MNP column of any dialing directory entry to V.42
or V.42bis. When you attempt to dial, COMit will notify you if the
software V.42/V.42bis is not applicable to your modem, or if a change in
Initialization String is necessary to use it. "Use MNP?" should be set
to "Y" (under Host Options Setup) if software V.42/V.42bis is to be used
in host mode.
If you run INSTALL with Type 1 (Automatic), the Initialization String
has been already set correctly. The message to the right of the COMit logo
will indicate "V.42/V.42bis" if software MNP is available.
Many other modems implement V.42/V.42bis and/or MNP in hardware. For these,
you should set the MNP column of your dialing directory to NONE, and answer
"N" to "Use MNP" under Host Options Setup(**). Automatic INSTALL takes
care of this.
Finally, some modems have no capability for V.42/V.42bis in hardware or
software, but MNP can be implemented in software. For these, you may set
the MNP column to MNP7, MNP5, MNP4, MNP2, REQD, or NONE. You'll be given an
error message when dialing if you set it to V.42 or V.42bis.
If your modem has hardware MNP and you want to use COMit's software MNP
instead, you must disable MNP and V.42/V.42bis on the modem by giving it
an initialization string that does so. (Consult your modem manual.)
Keyboard lock up
If you are experiencing lock ups at the dialing directory in
COMit for DOS, and are using MS DOS version 6.0 or 6.2, run
MEMMAKER, a program that came with MS DOS. (Type MEMMAKER from
the DOS prompt -- not from a Windows DOS prompt.)
Use the express setup. Respond YES when asked if you have programs
that use expanded memory. This will usually resolve the problem.
After installations of DOS 6.0 and Windows and DOS 6.2 you may find
SMARTDRIVE is installed in AUTOEXEC.BAT as well as in CONFIG.SYS.
Removing the command from one of them will usually fix the lock ups
if MEMMAKER fails to do so.
Upgrade Notice!
* Get Zmodem, Compuserve CIS-B protocol, Host Mode (BBS), VT100 *
* and a Hard Copy Manual! FULL Featured COMit DOS or COMit for *
* Windows for only $24.95 ... or get both for $44.95 *
* What the experts have to say about COMit... *
* *
* Best are COMit, a full-fledged communications package that could *
* save you from buying anything else... PC MAGAZINE - April 27, '93 *
* *
* I've never seen an easier, faster installation. It's ready to *
* go on-line minutes after coming out of the box. And its script- *
* writing is a dream for beginners -- fully automated and easily *
* edited. MOBILE OFFICE - February '92 *
* *
* Mail the following coupon with payment to ... *
* *
* Tradewind Software, P.O. Box 36, Glendora, CA 91740 USA *
* *
Yes! Send me the Full Featured version of COMit: [ ]Dos...... $24.95
[ ]Windows.. $24.95
Yes! Send me BOTH the DOS and Windows versions: [ ]Both..... $44.95
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Company: _________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________ State: ____________ Zip: __________________
Phone (___) ____-____________ ===========================================
| Include Shipping and Tax. Shipping is |
| $4.50 US, $5.50 Canada, $10.50 elsewhere|
Payment Enclosed $___________ | If you live in California, tax is |
| $2.17 each or $3.19 for the Combo. |
( ) Visa - Master Card # ______/______/______/______ Exp Date ______/______
Signature: ___________________________________________________________
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